Power Outage Toolkit

While a Power Outage may not seem as dangerous as a tornado or earthquake, they can still cause damage to homes, businesses and communities. Power Outages cost the U.S. economy $20 billion and $55 billion annually and continue to increase each year (CRS, 2012)

PG&E Outage Center Report electric outages, sign up for alerts, view outages on a map

Prepare for Public Safety Power Shutoffs  get up to date information from PG&E about potential power shutoffs and update your own alert profile.

Video about Public Safety Power Shutoffs  (Access an audio descriptive version here, or download the transcript here)

PG&E customers can update their alert contact information by calling 1-866-743-6589 or by visiting this webpage: https://www.pge.com/#email/alerts

Prepare for Power Outages Learn steps to take now to prepare for extended power outages.

Power outage preparation for Individuals with disabilities.

FEMA Power outage information sheet

Community Guidelines for Energy Emergencies

Prepare for Powerdown: This page is set up by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and provides information on signing up for alerts by affected power companies, how to plan for Public Safety Power Shutoffs and access to a planning fact sheet for people dependent on medical devices.

Emergency Preparedness Supply Lists, developed by PG&E

Create an Emergency Supply Kit for power outages